Friday, November 20, 2009

I Had A Strange Dream...

I was somewhere, I don't know where, some big, old building. It was some sort of event. At the end of it, they had a surprise for the kids there; their grandparents. They had brought them in from out of town. Since both of my grandma's lived in town, I knew they wouldn't be there. So I just watched all the other grandparents. And then one of them caught my eye. He was smiling, and looked very kind. I looked closely; yes, it looked like him. It looked like the grandpa of a friend. How could that be possible? I had to talk to him. I would hunt through the whole building until I did.
So I started looking for him. It didn't take long. He was in a little book room, looking at books on a shelf. He was dressed in a long coat, like someone in It's A Wonderful Life. He was rather tall, so I climbed up on the first book shelf in order to see him better.
"Do you know Jesus?" he asked. I got the feeling that he was someone who had recently been closer to Jesus than any of us on this earth could be. This must really be him.
"I don't know," I said.
"Just love Jesus," he said, simply. "And love each other."
That was the advice he gave me. And that was it.
I proceeded to dream the dream over again, I think, and then tell people about the dream in another dream. And now I'm awake and thinking it over. Hm. I sort of felt like I was speaking to him on behalf of someone else and that the advice he was giving me wasn't for me, or at least, not entirely so.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Without the hills and the valleys you're flatlinging. And what kind of life is that, now, hmm? Sounds more like death than life to me. Just a thought I had driving to ballet in the rain Tuesday. I love driving to ballet in the rain, listening to music. And last Tuesday I felt so incredibly excited in that moment I thought I might scream with joy. But, sadly, I don't know if I will be able to continue ballet at the moment. So there you go.

But nature is always free. And I love this weather. The gray, rainy, cold not-quite-winter. But don't listen to me, I'm the girl who loves Mondays. And these were horrible sentences. Oh well.