Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ticket But No Train

I didn't feel very content where I am today and a thought occurred to me: there's really not much keeping me here. I don't have a lot of ties. I'd like to get out and have some adventures, and technically there's not really anything stopping me. If I wanted to, I could just get up and leave. I even know people in various locations around the country so I could go somewhere and not be completely alone. So why not?

Oh wait. That's right. I'm too afraid.

Fear has always been a major part of my life. It has lessened significantly over time by God's grace. This past year I have become a lot more comfortable not knowing things. I've realized life is not a gamble. I'm starting to see that everything is in God's hands and so it will be ok. I've pretty much got all the big things squared away. Death? Nah. Car wreck? Nope. Cancer? Pooh. Getting abducted while going on my daily walk? No. The little things, however, are what really keep me from getting out and living. Stupid things like: what if I get a headache and can't handle not being able to lay down? what if I have a car wreck and the person is really mean about it and I don't know how to handle it? what if i say the wrong thing when I make a phone call? what if I get sick and no one is around to help me? etc.

So you see, I feel like I have the ticket but no train. But I think it's time I started taking the steps to find the train and face the fears.

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