Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Never Use My Silver Desk Lamp...

I can't do laundry because there are people in my living room. I don't look presentable so I don't want to have to walk past them. I'm sitting at my desk, listening to the birds pecking and their food behind me, with a hamper of wrinkled tshirts and dirty underwear to my side. How long will I have to wait to do my laundry - that is the question.

Might as well write something while I wait, I guess.

As 2010 begins I'm thinking about spending my time more wisely, figuring out some goals, being more motivated, and building outward action upon inward changes. It's time to see results. I need to start thinking about how important it is to focus on something and working hard to achieve it. I want to know what it's like to accomplish things. Like, what would it be like to finish a novel? I'm thinking I should write a terrible novel. Not on purpose, but just write something really bad for completion's sake. It would be interesting. I also need to read more, clean more, journal more, exercise more, study more, figure out what I want to do with my life when it comes to earning money, etc. etc. I'm 22, the time for action is now. I've already wasted so much time...

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