Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First favorite quote on the face of the planet:

"Sometimes, after a particularly scathing attack by a student on some individual whose doctrinal position is not orthodox or whose lifestyle seems less than Christian, I will say, 'Ladies and gentleman, you haven't lived long enough or sinned big enough to have an opinion on that subject.'"

Second favorite quote on the face of the planet:

"There is a lot to criticize about the Pharisees of Jesus' day. Jesus reserved his greatest anger for them. Do you know why? Because of their arrogance. He was angry because they didn't know how ignorant and sinful they were. They assumed that their knowledge was superior, that what they said came from Sinai, and that their purity was to be admired.
"But when the prostitutes, the tax collectors, and the children came to him they were welcomed with open arms. Why? Because they were teachable. They brought nothing but empty hands before him. They knew that he knew that, but, more importantly, they knew that he loved them anyway."

Third favorite quote on the face of the planet:

"Children recognize in their childlikeness that one of the great truths of the universe is that it is big enough for most of us to be wrong about most of the things almost all of the time. To be childlike is to be teachable."

Fourth favorite quote on the face of the planet:

"Only those adults who have retained, with whatever additions and enrichments, their first childish response to poetry unimpaired, can be said to have grown up at all."

First three, Steve Brown, last one C. S. Lewis.

Favorite quotes on the face of the planet are subject to change without warning.

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