Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The song, On My Way Back Home by Band of Horses.

Figuring out how to read between the lines.

Having developed an excellent radar to detect when someone is bullshitting. Gotta get something positive out of the crap that happens in life, right?

The moment (that I'll always treasure) when my grandmother almost confessed that I was her favorite grandchild: "you were always my favorite -- no wait, I can't say that..." :D :D :D She is my second mother, after all.

Staying up late. Siiiiiigh. Ok, so I'm mixed about this one. I haven't been falling asleep until 4 - 6AM lately, which is beyond ridiculous, but I don't care too much atm.

The three of us together.

Knowing who I am, what I want, and where I'm going.

Finding a local band with surprisingly good style and artistic taste.

Occupying personal space, strong laughter and handshakes.

Owning the very first "HI!!"

That thrill when you look at nature at particular moving moments.

Not being so uptight anymore. I finally decided it was useless. And I've ended up being able to achieve more since I stopped caring so much and just accepted my strengthlessness(?). Well, actually I've still got a long way to go. But you know.

Saying "fuck" a lot. To myself. It makes me feel better somehow. I've been cussing a lot in general lately. And I don't care. And people who think saying crude words isn't Christian, I'd kind of like to tell them to fuck off. I'm NOT cursing... I'm cussing. There is a difference.

Hanging out with God. Cuz that's how I think of praying now.

Not going to church... *cough* I've kind of given up on the idea, much as I hate to admit it to myself. There's just no where around here I feel compelled to go. I miss it though. So I don't know.

Figuring out that my friend's ex was a total douche bag who screwed with all our heads and nothing he said is believable.

Making money doing what I love/having my own business at 23/freelance writing.

Deepening my walk with God like never before (yes, this can happen even if you do cuss... :P)

Learning what it means to be loved by Someone and my imperfections never a/effect that love, ever.


Flarp. ^_^ It's sitting on my desk. Right now. It was purchased on one of our late night Walmart runs.


Ending this and sleeping.....

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